Luso-Brazilian directory Repositories and Open Access Journals

Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira

Name/Title: Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira
Type: multidisciplinar
Software: OJS
Name of the institution: Embrapa Florestas
Editor/Manager: Patrícia Póvoa de Mattos
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Format paper: sim
Description: Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research (PFB) is a quarterly journal, edited by Embrapa Florestas and our mission is to publish original manuscripts from relevant research of forestry theme. The original manuscripts may be submitted as articles, reviews or scientific notes, in Portuguese or English (preferentially in English). Students, researchers and technicians are our main target groups. The evaluation process is blind peer review and we count on collaborators from different national and international institutions as co-editors and reviewers. PFB journal is indexed by: ASP/Ebsco, AGRIS, Agrobase/Binagre, BDPA, CABI Direct, CCN, CIRS, Diadorim, DOAJ, e.journals, Forestry Compendium, Genamics JournalSeek, Google Acadêmico, Journals for free, Latindex, Livre, Miar, Portal da Capes, RCAAP, Sabiia, Scilit and Redib.
Area of knowledge: Agrarian Sciences, Forestry Engineering, Environmental Sciences.
Keywords: Genetic improvement, Plant physiology, Silviculture, Forest management, Nature conservation, Wood technology, Plant biomass
Language: pt
Starting date of activity: 2007
EISSN: 1983-2605
ISSN: 1809-3647
Policies implemented: Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research (PFB) provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Since 2009 we adopted DOI code for all published manuscripts. As procedures to publish high quality manuscripts, before sending to reviewers they are checked regarding adherence of the theme to the scope of the journal, novelty and quality of results discussion. We have also guidelines for interest conflict declaration and we adopt policies against plagiarism and malpractices in research.
Country: Brasil
District: PR
Address: Estrada da Ribeira, Km 111 Caixa Postal, 319 83411-000 Colombo, PR Brasil